Media & Resources
Solar energy is a powerful source of energy that can be used to heat, cool, and light homes and businesses.
Orizon Scholarship
rizon Solar is excited to announce the launch of a $3,000 scholarship aimed at supporting students pursuing majors in business or renewable energy.
Solar Offset welcomes Orizon Energy as a partner
Solar Offset Ltd. is pleased to announce our partnership with Orizon Energy
Orizon featured in CBC news
A City of Edmonton program offering homeowners financial incentives to install solar panels is no longer accepting applications because it has run out of money.
Why does solar make sense in Canada?
If you're a homeowner in Canada, and considering switching to renewable energy, this video is for you!
How Solar Adds Value to Your Property
Discover how solar panels can significantly boost your property's market appeal
Comparing Solar Predictions to Performance with SolarEdge Monitoring Platform
Curious about the real-world performance of solar arrays?
Double your Solar earnings with Solar Club
Discover the revolutionary way to double your solar earnings with Solar Club!
The Benefits of Solar Panels in Calgary
Many Calgarians are discovering that investing in solar panels is not only worth it but also a smart decision for their homes and businesses.
Solar Glossary
A glossary of terminology relevant to our business and the solar industry is provided below.
Debunking Solar Myths
We’ve heard what people are saying about solar panels, and there is a lot of misinformation out there.
Snow vs Solar Panels
When the winter season blankets Canada in a layer of snow, questions about the effects of snow on solar systems often arise among homeowners.
Solar Savings… The Smart Way
You’ll be more comfortable by reducing your utility bills, and have the peace of mind that you’re helping the environment by conserving our resources.
5 Steps To Go Solar
Solar can be intimidating; we understand that. We want to ensure you know that we're here to simplify it for you.
contact orizon energy
solar energy; beneficial for the home, the grid, and your wallet
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